all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 2TX 22 0 51.880584 0.544834
CM7 2AS 14 2 51.869996 0.5413
CM7 2FA 51 0 51.875021 0.535105
CM7 2FB 30 0 51.874935 0.533676
CM7 2FD 7 0 51.875205 0.533648
CM7 2FJ 11 0 51.884024 0.547555
CM7 2GB 8 6 51.879415 0.534829
CM7 2GD 2 2 51.878634 0.532735
CM7 2GE 5 4 51.882978 0.53224
CM7 2GT 8 0 51.876218 0.54174
CM7 2LD 23 2 51.876009 0.54722
CM7 2LF 26 0 51.874082 0.54528
CM7 2LG 16 0 51.876182 0.546692
CM7 2LH 17 0 51.873249 0.543853
CM7 2LL 24 0 51.872104 0.545227
CM7 2LN 6 0 51.871551 0.544629
CM7 2LP 33 0 51.874417 0.540171
CM7 2LQ 4 0 51.874521 0.544548
CM7 2LR 42 0 51.874613 0.539833
CM7 2LS 23 0 51.873431 0.54042